Business owners realise that there is a new way to promote their organisations these days. Social media has become as much a part of our daily lives now as checking our e-mails first thing in the morning. While this trend has not arrived overnight, it nevertheless represents quite a sweeping alteration to the way that we approach our marketing and advertising.

No longer is it sufficient to focus on conventional marketing methods, advertising campaigns and traditional media outlets. Our business customers are increasingly engaging in a social networking world, which puts a lot of emphasis on word-of-mouth, social proof and testimonials.

As many as one in two people now admit to maintaining a Facebook account and we also know that Twitter has become the rage for the transmission of short messages, which often convey opinions, positions and propagate that “social buzz.”

The majority of forward thinking business owners long ago realised that they had to have an online presence. Yet it’s not good enough to simply maintain a corporate site anymore. You have to have a dynamic presence that, in itself, interacts with your clients and potential customers. You have to do whatever you can to convince prospects that they should engage with you, that you know what you’re talking about and that you can meet their needs.

Today, blog writing has long ago left its roots among those ardent technical enthusiasts and those who may have had some kind of an axe to grind. Now, it is a tool to get a business message across – a focal point for the organisation altogether.

For an organisation to create and maintain a blog, a considerable commitment is required. Material must be sourced that is very pertinent and timely and pages must be updated on a regular basis, if not daily. For the typical business with much on its plate and existing advertising and marketing channels to feed, this can be a daunting prospect.

However, it’s a perfect task to outsource to a virtual assistant. Given the right brief, the virtual assistant will be able to generate material that is perfectly tailored to support the organisation’s message and to promote its all-important keywords. The assistant will be able to update the blog regularly with tailor-made and purposefully written content.

Many businesses treat the blog as the centre point. This web portal is the place that they direct all their prospects and new web traffic to. Within the blog visitors can find information that helps to convince them that the company is, itself, a thought leader, an expert in this field and worthy of consideration.

Blog creation and maintenance is undoubtedly a significant commitment, but it is a perfect task to be outsourced to a virtual assistant. Formation doesn’t have to be a stumbling block either, as the good virtual assistant is very well aware of what information needs to be gathered and the kind of brief that the client should provide in order for the whole process to be engaged. This all-important, additional level of marketing activity is now a fundamental consideration.

Have you ever considered a Virtual Assistant to write your blogs? I’d love to read your comments.

Photo by lawtonchiles

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